Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Google myself....

where do i find 'me'? cant remember where i lost myself? i can still sense the grip...with which i was holding on... to self. i wonder what happened? aint it sad when you miss somebody so much that you forget that you've gone missing yourself?!! everyone's living a life here, everybody has a plan, everybody seems to have their own motives, drive, ambitions, goals, fires, conflicts, challenges, loves, hatreds...what happened to your own? lost perspective. selfless....heard that before? cares who though? they just expect you to be 'strong', 'dynamic', 'vibrant' and a confident individual...when you're probably happy being the way you are...happy losing yourself. they want you to know exactly what you want. and you want to know/do exactly what they want. how i could just lose themselves forever, get supremely selfish and weak...self zero and not just self i wish you could just let everything take over. enjoy the helplessness till you sink...lose it. lose yourself. in conlclusion, there is 'no' selfless is selfless. coz its so divided, where is 'self' anyways? 'selfish' is the way to go...if you wanna love just one! wooooh...did i just propound a theory??! am still googling...self! click! self! click click! 10000000000 results found...told ya...there cant be one.

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